Belanger's DuraTrans® XDW: The Most Advanced Car Wash Conveyor In The Industry
The award-winning DuraTrans® conveyor features countless patents and is easily recognized as the most advanced car wash conveyor available in the world today.
The DuraTrans® conveyor has truly revolutionized the market by being the first of its kind to relieve tunnel operators from the grueling ritual of in-pit maintenance. Through the utilization of Space Frame technology, conveyor operators can access all serviceable areas with minimal effort. Add in a patented Quick-Pin ReleaseSM design to this equation, and operators can quickly remove conveyor components and perform routine repairs at the comfort of a workbench rather than in the conveyor pit.
Our newest version, the DuraTrans® XDW features a 14.5” wide track to easily accommodate today’s wider performance tire styles, in addition to traditional smaller passenger vehicle tires.
DuraTrans® conveyor is truly revolutionary in design and delivers the most complete performance features available, with the highest simplicity and most operator-friendly functionality possible. DuraTrans® provides performance when it matters, helping operators run smarter, and with more confidence, to keep successfully processing vehicles.
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Belanger's DuraTrans® XDW: The Most Advanced Car Wash Conveyor In The Industry
The award-winning DuraTrans® conveyor features countless patents and is easily recognized as the most advanced car wash conveyor available in the world today.
The DuraTrans® conveyor has truly revolutionized the market by being the first of its kind to relieve tunnel operators from the grueling ritual of in-pit maintenance. Through the utilization of Space Frame technology, conveyor operators can access all serviceable areas with minimal effort. Add in a patented Quick-Pin ReleaseSM design to this equation, and operators can quickly remove conveyor components and perform routine repairs at the comfort of a workbench rather than in the conveyor pit.
Our newest version, the DuraTrans® XDW features a 14.5” wide track to easily accommodate today’s wider performance tire styles, in addition to traditional smaller passenger vehicle tires.
DuraTrans® conveyor is truly revolutionary in design and delivers the most complete performance features available, with the highest simplicity and most operator-friendly functionality possible. DuraTrans® provides performance when it matters, helping operators run smarter, and with more confidence, to keep successfully processing vehicles.
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System Includes
DTXDW conveyor section steel frames are painted black for a long-lasting, protective finish and include orange UHMW plastic single guiderail. Available options include power-coating and double guiderails.

SD-4 Roller Dollies Dollie-Choose your dollie spacing 4’, 7.4” or 14.8” based on your CPH line speed.
Completely Replaceable Roller Wheels and Journals – the integrated roller-chain link is reusable, which reduces maintenance and repair cost. Single through-bolt assembly simplifies and speeds up repair and service.
The XDW Guide rail was carefully engineered to deliver wheel-safe performance and keep vehicles from jumping out of the track - even in front-tire pull applications.
The most advanced guide rail system in the industry is standard on the driver's side of the DuraTrans® XDW. The patented XDW guide rail is made of UHMW, extruded into an engineered shape which features an inward sloped contact surface and high contact point that minimizes resistive surface tension to reduce the chance of tire climbing. Moreover, the angled shape captures the radial tire bulge beneath the contact point, assisting in keeping the vehicle in the conveyor.
Lower lock-on edge eliminates peel back and top down fastener orientation eliminates the chance of exposed fasteners causing tire damage.
The XDW guide rail has the lowest vehicle clearance in the industry at 4.0". The standard passenger side guide rail is 3/4" round stock steel to prevent jumping. Its shape is the same as the contact point shape of the XDW guide rail, delivering similar performance, but not having to be concerned with wheel damage, it remains steel as standard. Optional passenger side XDW guide rail is available.
With a reputation as being the strongest, longest lasting and most user friendly chain used in the industry, it lives up to its name!
No tools are required to remove links from the X458 self-locking drop forged chain. To remove links, simply turn the outside two links 90º to the center link and move the outside two links toward the narrower middle of the center link - as you push the outside two links closer together, the pins can then be rotated 90º and removed. Roller attachment and detachment is accomplished in a similar manner.
Unexpected early breakage isn't a problem with this chain - with 52,000 lbs. of tensile pull strength, it easily keeps your line moving. Best of all, routine chain and roller service is Pit-Free and can all be accomplished above the top track!
The take-up cartridge is cleverly pinned into the frame to allow quick change in case of failure or for simple removal for routine maintenance.
The design allows repair to be accomplished bench-top rather than in the pit. Also, the entire take-up cartridge assembly, with sprocket, is symmetrically designed so that the entire take-up cartridge can be flipped-over to get maximum wear from both sides of the sprocket teeth.
For knowledgeable operators who want to be totally prepared, it is recommended that a spare cartridge is kept on hand to make quick change-out possible in the event of an unexpected failure.
DuraTrans XDW Options
Powder Coat Paint offers a number of advantages over the standard oil-based paints that are found on most conveyors:
- It resists severe environmental factors, such as humidity, salt and chemicals.
- Excellent paint adhesion means that the automated process cycles of cleaning, priming and baking with powder coat paint eliminates human error - the main reason for paint peeling with typical liquid-sprayed finishes.
- The tough powder coating means that no liquid-sprayed standard paint coating can match powder coat's scuff-resistance, hardness, chip resistance, and scratch resistance.
The outbound orange rollers and the inside back rollers are designed to contact the tire for even pressure across the whole tire surface for straight tracking. Straight tracking helps prevent the vehicles from wandering and jumping out of the conveyor. Moreover, all four points of tire contact are offset forward on the roller and elevated off the track, so these four roller wheels rotate in the opposite direction of the orange "puller" track rollers. This eliminates most of the skidding associated with pushing the tire down the conveyor.
Additionally, the BIS-6™ Six Roller-Dollie with two black and two orange "tire-push" roller wheels is wide enough to prevent narrow tires from becoming jammed between one of the center black rollers and the guide rail - assisted by the orange rollers.
The black rollers serve a third purpose of centering the chain and roller. This helps vehicles track properly, which reduces wandering. Additionally, straight pull maximizes tire-push and minimizes sprocket and chain wear by reducing the force it takes to move vehicles down the conveyor.
The BIS-6™ Six Roller Dollie is comprehensively designed and precisely manufactured to deliver specific performance characteristics. A single thru-bolt passes through the entire roller and holds it together. The thru-bolt is not used as an axle, but rather acts to lock the non-rotating journals into a solid axle around which the roller wheels rotate.
The non-rotating journal is manufactured with close tolerances to the inside dimension and length of the roller wheels. The negligible space between the journals and rollers wheels reduce dirt intrusion, thereby minimizing wear.
An integrated drop forged roller-chain link is used to attach the rollers right in the chain. This integrated roller-chain link is reusable and stays attached within the chain at all times. All of the journals and roller wheels are replaceable when worn out. The roller wheels and the journals can be replaced above the top tracking level of the conveyor without working in the pit - for pit-free service on chain and rollers.
For the ultimate in customer appeal and safety, the XDW Guide Rail can be installed on both sides of the conveyor track.
The dual, bright-colored guide rails add to customer visual appeal and also provide a better visual "sight point" down the length of the conveyor as customers enter the wash and line-up with the entrance section.
Seeing orange rails on each side of the conveyor encourages customers to "shoot for the middle" with their front tire, as opposed to trying to stay to the one side of the conveyor that has guard rail if only one is present.
The optional In-Pit Pulse Sensor is a four-point pulse electrical sensor that is mounted on a sturdy aluminum bracket to feed a pulse signal back to your car wash controller.
The pulse sensor is mounted on the opposite side of the exit section to the hydraulic motor with Heco® reducer gearbox assembly.
Both the Heco® reducer gearbox with hydraulic motor and the pulse sensor can be mounted on either side of the exit section to accommodate existing pit designs.
Reliable Vehicle Processing
True Anti-Jam™ is a standard feature on both ends of the XDW.
True Anti-Jam™ roller-up triangular mechanism delivers jam-free operation, keeping the line moving and eliminating requirement for employees to manage frustrated customers. Patent Pending. The roller-up assembly is impossible to jam due to the triangular shape of the roller-up ramp. The roller itself puts the ramp into the up position. Even with a tire directly over the roller-up, it will not jam. The exit will not jam because the linear movement slide plate and roller design allows the roller to simply disappear into the inactive (non-call) center shelf.
The XDW is True Anti-Jam™ - keeping the line running.
Self-locking drop forged - the strongest and longest lasting chain available in the industry. No tools required to remove links or rollers.
With a reputation as being the strongest, longest lasting and most user-friendly chain used in the industry, it lives up to its name!
No tools are required to remove links from the X458 self-locking drop forged chain. To remove links, simply turn the outside two links 90° to the center link and move the outside two links toward the narrower middle of the center link - as you push the outside two links closer together, the pins can then be rotated 90° and removed. Roller attachment and detachment is accomplished in a similar manner.
Unexpected early breakage isn't a problem with this chain - with 52,000 lbs. of tensile pull strength, it easily keeps your line moving. Best of all, routine chain and roller service is Pit-Free and can all be accomplished above the top track!
If the conveyor is the heart of the car wash, then the drive is the heart of the conveyor.
A Parker hydraulic motor and Heco® gear drive are the best known and most reliable in the industry. Used by nearly every conveyor manufacturer, the Heco® gearbox has proven itself over and over to be the standard of the industry for long life and dependable service.
Cost-Effective Maintenance
CleanTrac™ refers to the open-sided lower two roller shelves, which are easy and quick to properly wash down.
Cone-shaped and other premature roller wheel wear caused by the lower two shelves is dramatically reduced with CleanTrac™ - the design discourages the dirt build-up which occurs along the inside edges of the angle irons on the lower two shelves of traditional conveyors. Patented.
Even without proper wash down, the lower shelves shed dirt - on traditional conveyors, the angle irons sides trap the dirt. With CleanTrac™, employees will actually be able to properly clean the pit and the conveyor, further improving roller wheel life!
The XDW take-up features an automatic chain tension system using (2) air cylinders w/ 12" of take adjustment, allowing longer runtime before link-out is required.
12" of take-up adjustment is the most in the industry. Longer running time means more cost effective maintenance! To remove links from chain: power-retract the two air cylinders (small air valve), remove links (or, service rollers) above the top track, and then reapply the air pressure to re-tension the cylinders - it's that simple!
The complete Air Cylinders Cartridge Assembly can be removed by disconnecting the self-locking air hose connections and by disconnecting four Quick-Pin Release Design attachment points.
The Functional Steel Design concept eliminates the angle-iron sides on the lower two roller shelves and reallocates the steel for two additional H-frame uprights per 10' section - putting the integrity where it needs to be.
Five uprights per 10' section provide 40% more structural integrity along with providing more open access.
Space Frame Technology refers to the open-access, service-friendly structural design of the entire conveyor's frame below floor level - from entrance to exit!
This was accomplished by another Belanger Engineering first - Functional Steel Design, which "moved" steel out-of-the-way that prevented easy service and cleaning access on typical old-style Traditional conveyors. The "moved" steel was used to add extra H-frame uprights to each section and greatly opens the access for service and cleaning on the XD.
The resulting "room" that was created in the entrance section allowed our Engineering Group to build-in Quick-Pin Release side rails, a Quick-Pin Release take-up, a Quick-Pin Release roller-up, and an automatic chain tensioning Quick-Pin Release Air Cylinders Cartridge Assembly. Simultaneously, CleanTrac was born - lower roller shelves that are flat steel, not angle iron. This significantly extends roller wheel life due to cleaner-running open-sided lower track shelves and permits easy cleaning.
For the longest sprocket and chain life, the "pitch" dimensions of the sprocket and the chain need to closely match. The sprocket pitch is the distance between sprocket teeth measured around the "circle" where the chain rides on the sprocket. The chain pitch is the distance between chain links.
Our engineering group discovered that other conveyor’s X458 sprockets were not manufactured to the proper dimensions to match the X458 chain. Some sprockets were flame cut, smaller in diameter than commercial sprockets, and not machined. On another sprocket the center pilot hole was found to not be in the center, which causes extra take-up cylinder wear as the sprocket oscillates on each complete turn - shortening and lengthening the chain slightly.
To assure the longest life possible on the chain and sprocket, our engineering group selected a premium brand-name sprocket (not "homemade"), and went beyond that to tighten the tolerance on the location of the center hole, with our supplier using a more accurate manufacturing method of locating the center pilot hole. The result: a sprocket that rides true in the chain - transmitting the pulling force to the chain with not just one link, but with all the links accurately contacting the chain on the sprocket - giving optimum chain and sprocket life.
User-Friendliness, Serviceability, & Safety
The take-up cartridge is cleverly pinned into the frame to allow quick change in case of failure or for simple removal for routine maintenance. Patented.
The design allows repair to be accomplished bench-top rather than in the pit. Also, the entire take-up cartridge assembly, with sprocket, is symmetrically designed so that the entire take-up cartridge can be flipped-over to get maximum wear from both sides of the sprocket teeth. For knowledgeable operators who want to be totally prepared, it is recommended that a spare cartridge is kept on hand to make quick change-out possible in the event of an unexpected failure.
The roller-up cartridge is cleverly pinned into the frame to allow quick change in case of failure or for simple removal for routine maintenance. Patented.
The design allows repairs to be accomplished bench-top rather than in the pit. For knowledgeable operators who want to be totally prepared, it is recommended that a spare cartridge is kept on-hand to make quick change-out possible in the event of an unexpected failure.
The space down the center of the conveyor is called the "roller gap". The roller gap is a potential spot that employees can be injured by if it is too wide.
There are known cases in which employees shoes, shoe laces and feet have been caught up in the roller or chain and have been pulled into the roller gap causing injuries. An independent study concluded that a safely designed gap should not exceed 2.75". The XDW is designed with this standard in mind and complies with this maximum safe gap width.
Simple mechanisms make it easy to train personnel to perform effective maintenance.
Our customer focus groups indicated that a significant benefit of the XD design was simplicity and ease of access that would encourage personnel to actually perform maintenance, and better yet, be able to complete it correctly.
The XDW uses automotive greased for life bearings (GFL™) and synthetic bearing surfaces like UHMW and Nylon.
No grease zerks mean no routine bearing maintenance is required for the life of the bearing.
The Legend By Belanger™ Tunnel Series
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